ABC Fun and 123
Makes learning Fun!
If you are homeschooling your child with special needs, finding a curriculum and suitable work activities can be very difficult and frustrating.
This is why we recommend
ABC and 123,
a friendly to use curriculum compiled especially for the pre-school child and can be modified for older or
special needs children too.
If your child has developmental delays, or is struggling to learn, this programme is an excellent, extra supplement to their early intervention
Your weekly lesson plans include:
- Preschool lesson plans
- Printable worksheets
- Simple kiddies crafts
- Themes for both preschool and Kindergarten
- Childrens stories, nursery rhymes
- And much, much more
What is ABC fun and 123 all about?
ABC Fun and 123
allows you to spend more time with your child, doing the things that you love, together.
With this programme you dont have to spend
time looking for activities.
AbC Fun and 123 offers age appropriate learning materials, although it is aimed at pre-schoolers, but remember, it can be modified for older
children and even children with special needs.
Lets have a look at what you get on a weekly basis:
- The letter of the week (Large printable letters)
- Stencil sheets for art activities
- An alphabet collage for your child to create their own ABC book
- Worksheets for writing
- Book reviews of stories to read aloud
- Memory pictures
- Nursery rhymes and songs
- Easy recipes for you to try
- Activities and games
- Counting activities for number fun
- Bible and Christian stories (optional)
- Visual identification
Please Note: This is not phonics or a reading programme!
It is only intended to be used as a fun introduction to letter and numbers, for younger children who are not yet ready for a formal phonics program.
This is also not a maths curriculum, simply a fun way to introduce your child to numbers and number concepts at home.
In addition to everything mentioned above, Shirley also includes the following:
- Advice for new homeschoolers
- Internet resources
- Homeschooling if you also have babies or toddlers
- Encouragement for when doubt comes!
- Reviews of other resources
- Lesson planning to help you schedule your day.
- Overview of learning activity categories.
This whole package will cost you less than $1 a day!
Shirley has been homeschooling her own 5 children for more than 10 years, and in her own words, I know how important it is for children to enjoy
the freedom of childhood, yet to miss out on opportunities to lay the solid foundation that they will need when formal learning begins.
With your purchase of ABC Fun 123, you also get eBook of Beatrix potters The tale of peter rabbit, absolutely FREE!
the ABC Fun and 123 homeschool curriculum now and have access to all the fun activities immediately.

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