Creating Stability
The most important thing about routines for special needs children is that it helps them to build confidence in themselves.
When a child has an established schedule to follow and knows what is expected from them, and how long they have to get the job done, it will help them to
manage their time and behaviour better.
Your child thrives on pleasing you, and will hard to do so.
You can break your Childs daily schedule into smaller, more manageable "mini-routines" such as - morning, after school, dinner, and before bed time.
In between these times you can schedule family time, house work, sports events etc.
Plan your week ahead of time and include appointments and other activities that don't interfere with your day.
When you have a schedule that works, it not only benefits the child, but the family as a whole, for there is less stress and everyone is prepared.
Here is a list of some daily routines and how your special needs child can benefit from them:
- Morning Time
Mornings can be very hectic for everyone, but if you are organised, it can be allot easier on everyone, and you can get the day off to a good start.
How your morning starts off usually lays the foundation for the rest of your day.
If you wake up and have to rush around finding things, or getting some breakfast before you are pushed out the door, you are going to feel unhappy,
aggravated and totally stressed for the rest of the day.
NOT a good way to start your day!
- After school Time
Let your child know what time you will arriving home from school. Include a snack time, time to relax, chores and homework time.
After school schedules will help your child understand how to manage their time.
- Dinner Time
Dinner time is very important. This is the time of the day that families come together and discuss their day. Here you help your child to understand the
importance of interacting with others and some table manners.
- Bedtime Time
The time before bed should be considered quiet time. Your child should be brushing their teeth, laying out their clothes and packing their school bag for
the next day. You can then spend some time cuddling with your child and reading them a bed time story.
integrating a solid bedtime routine for your special needs child, will allow them to learn the importance of a good nights rest.
Every family is different and should build schedules that work for them.
Although they may all be different, they will still teach your child the same thing - confidence and stability.
If you don't have a routine for your special needs child or have never tried one, start slowly...
Try one or two schedules, such as a morning and a bedtime, and stick to them for at least two weeks, and you will be surprised how different
things are.
You will be less stressed, and more inclined to share quality time with your child.
You will also see a difference in your child, they will be more organised, rested and prepared and this alone
will make them more confident in themselves.
Using a picture chart, is a good way for children to see what they have to do.
I really like this chart and have had huge success in using it with my children:

It is also extremely important for children to do chores around the house, even children with special needs.
clean organised family home
has some great ideas and strategies for getting your children to do chores, and which tasks are age appropriate for your child. These suggestions can all be modified, depending on the skill levels of your special needs child.
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